"use strict"; //var w3 = {}; class includableElement { constructor(element) { this.elmnt = element; }; // ---- This method converts markup to HTML and sticks a button on it. doConvert(inText, animate) { var inName = this.elmnt.id; // ---- toggle element id (newName) and button label (funcName) var newName, funcName; var bExpanding = inName.startsWith("essay"); if (bExpanding) { newName = inName.replace("essay", "synops"); funcName = "Collapse"; this.elmnt.style.background = "BISQUE"; } else { newName = inName.replace("synops", "essay"); funcName = "Expand"; this.elmnt.style.background = "ANTIQUEWHITE"; }; // ---- Make Button var newStr = "'" + newName + "'"; this.elmnt.id = newName; var func = '"myExpand(' + newStr + ')"'; var buttonString = ''; // ---- Make Text var converter = new showdown.Converter(); var textString = converter.makeHtml(inText); if (bExpanding) { // -- Do postconversion if necessary textString = this.doPostConversion(textString); }; // ---- Combine button and text this.elmnt.innerHTML = buttonString + textString; if (animate) { this.elmnt.style.opacity = 0; this.doFadeIn(); }; }; // ---- end of doConvert method // --- Post-showdown processing to parse special F W Sweet symbols doPostConversion(textString) { // --- Add drop-cap to first line var newString = textString.replace('

', '

' ); newString = newString.replace("


"); //--- Handle images /* var foundit = newString.includes("floatleft"); while (foundit) { newString = newString.replace("floatleft","floatright"); foundit = newString.includes("floatleft"); } */ return newString; }; // ---- This method requests an essay or synopsis dowload doLoadEssay() { var fileName = "includes/" + this.elmnt.id + ".md"; var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var myself = this; xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) { myself.doConvert(xhttp.responseText, true); } }; xhttp.open("GET", fileName); xhttp.send(); }; // --- end of essay or synopsis download request // ---- This method requests dowload of an includable file doLoadFile() { var fileName = "includes/" + this.elmnt.innerHTML; var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var myself = this; xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) { myself.doReceive(xhttp.responseText); }; }; xhttp.open("GET", fileName); xhttp.send(); }; // ---- This method receives a file download and then recurses back to calling for the next includable file doReceive(response) { var rawName = this.elmnt.innerHTML; var suffix = rawName.endsWith(".md"); if (suffix) { this.elmnt.id = rawName.replace(".md", ""); this.doConvert(response, false); } else { this.elmnt.innerHTML = response; }; this.elmnt.classList.remove("include"); myInclude(); // recurse until no element has class="include" }; // --- end of doReceive file // ---- This method animates the transition from synopsis to full essay and back again, doFadeIn() { var element = this.elmnt; var pos = 0; var id = setInterval(frame, 5); function frame() { if (pos > 99) { clearInterval(id); } else { pos = pos + 2; var pct = pos/100; element.style.opacity = pct; element.style.transform = "rotateY(" + (180 * (1 - pct)) + "deg)"; }; }; }; }; // ---- end of includableElement class function goBack() { "use strict" location.reload(); }; // --- request/receive essay in response to button-click function myExpand(inName) { "use strict" var elmnt = document.getElementById(inName); if (elmnt) { // if any element with id = inName var elementObj = new includableElement(elmnt); elementObj.doLoadEssay(); if (inName.startsWith("essay")) { history.replaceState(null, null, '?pg=' + inName); }; }; }; // --- Infinite ping-pong recursion of request/receive files until all includables have been expanded. function myInclude() { "use strict" var elmnt = document.querySelector(".include"); if (elmnt) { // if any element has class="include" var elementObj = new includableElement(elmnt); elementObj.doLoadFile(); }; // elmnt > 0 // drops out here if no element has class="include" setTimeout(preClick, 3000); }; function preClick() { if (window.location.href.indexOf('?') > -1) { var page = getUrlVars()['pg']; myExpand(page); }; }; function getUrlVars() { var vars = {}; var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) { vars[key] = value; }); return vars; }; //var number = getUrlVars()["pg"];